Friday, August 21, 2015

Reminder that Seth Godin is the Worst

Seth Godin is a perfect exemplar of how capitalism sells its collapse as a great opportunity for workers to strike it rich. Why resist or revise a corrupt system when you can "disrupt" it.

He is fond of detailing the death of traditional structures, be they in media, manufacturing, or whatever else. The traditional employer-employee relationship is gone--you can't look to any kind of institutional framework to support you as you attempt to raise a family, buy a home, and save for college.

Now, because of new, smart technologies, workers can be entrepreneurs. Before, in the bad old days when there were stable structures that could help writers have careers, you had to gain entry to a publishing house to sell your book. Now if you want to write a book, self-publish! Before, if you wanted to have a singing career, you needed to be accepted by a label--now you can just record a song on your phone and put it on SoundCloud! So much better, OMG!

This doubling down on capitalist individualism, in the face of the collapse of capitalism caused by an excessively individualistic outlook, is of course absurd. The cure for the evils of capitalism is not a new breed of hypercapitalist, hyper-individualism. It is socialism.

Capital is lucky to have a spokesman like Godin, who can persuade huge numbers of people that the collapse of the capitalist system is just an opportunity to take advantage of the changing structures. Exploit the crisis of capitalism for your own individual gain. That is the only kind of change that makes sense to sophists like Godin.

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